Who is Jesse Bethea on any given day? What are some common characteristics between JB the writer and JB the private citizen? How does your writing reflect those traits?
In my daily life, I’m an assistant producer for The Ohio Channel in Columbus, Ohio. Most of my work revolves around filming and editing educational videos for people in the legal profession and making short documentaries about the history of the justice system. I tend to think working in video really helps me nail down the pacing of what I’m writing since effective video depends so much on proper pacing and timing. Naturally my experience with writing helps me a lot when outlining and scripting video projects and making sure each video tells a full and satisfying story. In addition to my video work, I’m also a freelance journalist, mostly writing long-form features on environmental or historical topics. A lot of the skills I’ve learned in how to research and structure a nonfiction story have helped me research and structure my fictional work, and vice versa. |
Photo: courtesy of the artist |