Shamir, thank you for joining the HocTok community. Such a pleasure! Who is Shamir? What does Shamir like or love?
I guess Shamir is just an Artist, and a creator. Music is what I’m widely known for, but I always long for an opportunity to be creative, no matter the medium.
How do you describe your music?
It’s really hard to describe my music because i dabble in so many genres. I think I'm blessed and lucky to have a very distinct singular voice that allows me to blur genre boundaries because music forms around my voice as opposed to my voice on top.
What is the most rewarding part of seeing your music loved by people from far and wide? Are you obsessing over anyone else’s music or art these days?
I think when people that influence me find it, it always feels like a full circle moment. I've been so obsessed with The Like’s “Release Me” since it just had its 10 year anniversary. Z Berg, from the band, reached out to me after hearing "On My Own" and it made me so happy as that was such a formative record for me.
As a creative soul, what have you had enough of and what are you craving?
I’ve had enough music being made for a market, I’d like to see more pop music being made without having to think about analytics.
Would you like to tell us a bit more about discoveries or revelations you’ve had in the past months? I knew i was an introvert, but I didn't know I was a comfortably thriving in quarantine introvert.
Can you share with us a message of love, compassion, and unity to heal our broken hearts and join the voices of protesters for justice and peace?
Honestly not really, people need to feel angry, people need to feel those broken hearts, and they have to work through that pain, we’ve soothed and band-aid’d the situation for long enough. Feel this pain to its absolute capacity, and do the work to make sure you don’t have to feel it again, and of course this is to white readers. For the BIPOC readers continue to do what we've been doing our entire lives and as always, I send my love and solidarity.
Who do you enjoy sharing the spotlight with? All the artists on my Label Accidental Popstar Records and my live band, who I miss playing with very much.
#BeathTheBlues – What do you do to take care of your mental health?
Meditation time, even if not in the traditional way (I don't do it the traditional way myself) but i think its good to have a moment or two throughout the day to just regroup with yourself.
Your favorite word of the day:
Do you have any upcoming projects, live or virtual, you’d like to share with our community?
A few, but main thing is my album that's coming in the fall. I’m Super Excited for it!