First, thank you for sharing some of your thoughts with us. You’re a singer, having studied filmmaking in college; you love photography, traveling, storytelling, and more. What’s the source of your creative energy?
My creative energy comes from so many different places! Films, books, music, yoga & meditation practice, new people, nice spaces, nature, travel… Believe it or not… Instagram! I get quite a lot of inspiration just hangin’ around on the app. A big source of inspiration is simply people watching when I make the time, and also hearing others’ life stories.
What are some of the messages you want to transmit to the world through your art?
The most important messages I would like to convey to my community through my art would be to share all your love, always. Be true to yourself, and honest with others. Laugh and be playful daily… And simply live the life that you want to by making decisions and reaching your goals.
You’re so young, active and with a positive attitude towards life. A great example for people of all ages. What would you say to boys and girls with the same passions like yours, but maybe intimidated by numerous obstacles?
The only obstacle is yourself. And that is completely 100% true. ANYONE can accomplish ANYTHING! The world is waiting for you to flourish, so get out there and start being the best YOU that you want to… Whether that is achieving specific goals, or just living day-to-day life. If you’re struggling with this, get out of your head and understand that life is a beautiful game, and you are in charge of it. So take control, and good things will follow!
Who are some of your role models?
Some of my role models and biggest inspirations are people that I interact with almost daily, and I am so thankful for that. Wise friends with BIG hearts & old souls. To name a few others that I don’t yet know personally are: Ellen DeGeneres, Andy Puddicombe, Timothy Ferris & Stefan Pylarinos.
How have you managed to combine different characteristics of your background and upbringing in your creating and performing?
That’s a tough question, because during my growing years, I didn’t do very much creative stuff. I was always meant to be working on the farm and earning money for college…. That being said, I always enjoyed the arts & music, and creating in every way possible. So it’s always something I’ve been passionate about, and now that I have found a way to incorporate this into a daily ‘work’ regimen, I couldn’t be more grateful!
Do you prefer social media or do you feel that the magic of real human contact, especially with fans, is irreplaceable?
I prefer both! Sometimes it’s really nice to be able to perform and make videos in my comfortable home environment. Other times, I really enjoy human contact, and being able to perform to someone live and FEELING that soul connection is a beautiful thing. But one isn’t better than the other I would say! Both have their perks :)
Could you share some of the challenges of your artistic journey so far? How about an impressive moment that made you say: it was all well worth it?
One of the biggest challenges in being a creative person in today’s world is always related to finances. It’s not exactly easy trying to ask people to BUY music these days, especially when free music is so easily accessible and available all the time. But, that’s the beauty of Patreon!!! My fans who donate on a monthly basis to help cover the costs of producing new music and videos have truly helped provide an extra financial cushion when my gigs just aren’t enough for the month. I am eternally grateful that my fans are so generous!!!
Annnnd the most excited and proudest moment I’ve had so far in my career as a musician, was working with Rolls Royce last year on a campaign with my song Change the World. The fact that they wanted me to participate in the video was an honor and it was such a special experience for me!! I can’t wait to see what other opportunities are in store for the future.
How does all the violence around the world affect you in your creative process? How do you think artists can contribute to inspire young people to love life through art?
World violence certainly has an impact on my music, hence why I’ve written songs like “Change the World” and “Keep on Movin” for those days that are just too much to take in. I think it’s important to keep in mind that people need to be lifted up, inspired, motivated and just helped in general. Just like I need it. Just like YOU need it. We all need each other to keep moving forward, especially when times are rough or sad. Sticking together and creating a positive energy flow and music from the heart that speaks the truth is a gift that we’ve been given to share with the world. So, although disheartening, take the news that you hear and the violence stories happening daily, and create art out of it. This will bring awareness and light to those who need it most.
What are your upcoming projects?
My biggest upcoming project that I am working hard to plan is a music tour across North American in my little vintage trailer. I am actively searching for living rooms and backyard patios to host concerts in peoples’ homes across Canada and the USA. I would love to do this as early as the fall, but I believe I probably won’t be able to gather enough interest until next spring…. On this tour, I plan to write many travelling adventure road trip songs and release a new album once I am back from the tour. So, many exciting things in the works ahead!
And now to close this interview: Jessica is thankful for…
I am so thankful to have connected with you on Twitter! I had such a busy day, and being able to take time out, to reflect on your questions and dig deep was something that I needed today, so thank you! :)